
    Case Studies

    Monaco Solicitors’ employment cases: Short case studies

    Constructive dismissal settlement negotiations: A video case study

    The Independent reports our constructive dismissal claimTribunal award 2 years’ salary for discrimination and unfair dismissal

    Redundancy during Covid-19: help for employees. Alex Monaco on BBC Radio London


    Constructive Dismissal

    Breaches of employment contract

    Constructive dismissal: A guide for employees

    Two-year employment service rule for constructive dismissal claims

    Constructive dismissal settlement negotiations: A video case study

    Role erosion in the workplace


    Coronavirus Legislation

    Coronavirus: Employee rights

    Unfair dismissal, pay cuts and bullying due to coronavirus health & safety at work



    Discrimination in the workplace

    Discrimination questionnaire – Am I being discriminated against at work?

    Discrimination compensation: Settlements & tribunal awards

    Age discrimination at work: guide for employees

    Disability discrimination at work

    Gender reassignment discrimination at work

    Marriage and civil partnership discrimination at work

    Mental health discrimination at work and how to deal with it

    Mental health absence and dismissal from work

    Examples of mental health discrimination at work

    Paternity leave: What are your rights?

    Pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work

    10 Tips for returning to work from maternity leave

    Race discrimination in the workplace

    Religion or belief discrimination in the workplace

    Sex discrimination at work

    Sexual harassment at work and settlement agreements

    Sexual orientation discrimination: A guide for employees

    Vegan discrimination in the workplace


    Employment Law

    Employment law

    Employment law and Acas

    Employment law Q&As

    Glossary of common employment law terms

    Brexit Employment Rights Issues

    Do I have a case?

    Why the two years service rule matters for employees

    Without Prejudice

    Without prejudice communications

    10 Tips on how to write ‘without prejudice’ letters and emails

    Without prejudice meetings and conversations at work

    Without prejudice letter templates


    Employment Procedures


    Appeals by employees


    Disciplinaries at work: a guide for employees


    Grievances at work

    Grievance meetings at work: advice for employees

    Grievance procedures at work

    Grievance letters and how to write them, plus letter templates & examples


    Performance improvement procedures and plans (PIPs) at work


    How to resign from employment


    Employment Tribunals

    Employment tribunals: Your journey as a claimant

    Employment tribunals: Introduction for employees

    Employment tribunal costs, including ‘without prejudice save as to costs’

    Employment tribunals types of claims: An employee’s right to sue

    Employment tribunals: time limits for making tribunal claims

    Employment tribunals: Commencing the Acas pre-claim process

    Employment tribunals: How to start a claim and complete the ET1 claim form

    Employment tribunals: Preparing your schedule of loss

    Witness statements in employment tribunals

    Employment tribunals: preliminary hearings

    Employment tribunals: Your tribunal hearing

    Employment tribunals: Judgements and appeals

    Employment tribunals: details of claims templates & examples


    Evidence Gathering

    Evidence gathering for employees’ work disputes and legal cases

    Can employers monitor my communications?

    Evidence gathering in employment disputes: How to keep records (and win your case)

    Evidence gathering in employment disputes: Making audio & video recordings

    Evidence gathering in employment disputes: Emails, letters & documents

    Subject access requests made by employees

    Subject access requests templates

    Witness evidence for settlement agreements


    Ill Health

    Ill health early retirement and settlement agreements

    Ill health unfair dismissal

    Sick pay in your employment notice period

    Sick pay: a guide for employees


    Mergers & Acquisitions

    Mergers and acquisitions: Advice for employees


    Monaco Solicitors

    About us

    Contact us


    FAQs: Frequently asked questions about your employment law case

    Media coverage


    Case types




    Privacy policy

    Career opportunities at Monaco Solicitors



    15 quick tips for negotiating settlement agreements

    Redundancy negotiations

    Employment exit settlement offers: Responding, accepting and breaking the deadlock

    Protected conversations at work

    Without prejudice: when and how to use it in negotiations

    Settlement agreement negotiations


    Pay & Conditions


    Bonuses in employment termination packages

    Employment Contracts

    Breaches of employment contract

    Employment contracts: An employee guide

    Employment contracts: Can your employer change your contract?

    Flexible Working

    Your rights to flexible working

    Home working – a discussion

    Notice Period

    Notice period when leaving employment



    Redundancy: a guide for employees

    Is my redundancy fair?

    Sham redundancy: examples and guidance for employees

    Can I be replaced by someone else in a redundancy?

    Does my redundancy have to be kept confidential?

    Redundancy selection

    When can I ask for voluntary redundancy?

    TUPE/Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of employment)


    Settlement Agreements

    Concluding a settlement agreement: guidance for employees

    Settlement agreements, compromise agreements and how much should I get?

    Settlement agreement compensation calculator

    Settlement offers: Responding, accepting and breaking the deadlock

    Settlement Agreement Templates 

    Payment in lieu of notice (PILON)

    Tax implications of settlement agreements

    Tax on pension payments and settlement agreements

    Ex Gratia Payments

    Ex gratia payments in settlement agreements

    Gagging Orders

    Non disclosure and confidentiality agreements

    Phillip Green and Should Gagging orders be banned

    Garden Leave

    Garden leave and settlement agreements

    Settlement agreement template for employees with long garden leave or notice period

    Share Options

    Share options in severance packages


    Getting references from employers in settlement agreements

    Restrictive Covenants

    Restrictive covenants

    Can post-termination covenants in your employment contract restrict your settlement?





    Unfair Dismissal

    Breaches of employment contract

    Unfair dismissal settlements and compensation

    Why the two-year employment requirement matters

    Ill health unfair dismissal letter builder

    Performance unfair dismissal – letter builder for employees


    Virtual Lawyer

    Virtual Lawyer

    The Law Society Gazette on Monaco Solicitor’s ‘Virtual Lawyer’ legal letter builder





    Workplace Behaviours


    Bullying and harassment in the workplace


    Wrongful Dismissal

    Gross Misconduct

    Wrongful dismissal & gross misconduct: an employee guide